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RAP opportunity at Air Force Science and Technology Fellowship Program     AF STFP

Free-Space Quantum Communication


Directed Energy Directorate, RD/Physical Sciences

opportunity location
13.10.02.C0107 Kirtland Air Force Base, NM 871175776


name email phone
Robert Lee Johnson 505.846.6699


The postdoctoral researcher will conduct research and development in the area of photon sources for quantum communication over long-distance, free-space optical channels in support of the development of large-scale quantum networks. The postdoctoral researcher will define and conduct laboratory and field experiments involving Bell-state measurements, teleportation, and quantum key distribution

(QKD). The postdoctoral researcher will also analyze data, document research results, present findings at scientific conferences, and publish findings in peer-reviewed scientific journals. Experience is sought in the areas of 1) quantum sources including entangled photon sources and sub-Poissonian photon sources, 2) quantum entanglement and Bell-state measurements, 3) quantum entanglement distribution, teleportation, and QKD, and 4) quantum channels and quantum networks. A combination of laboratory and theoretical experience is desirable.

1. M. T. Gruneisen et al., “Modeling daytime sky access for a satellite quantum key distribution downlink,” Opt. Exp. 23(18), 23924 (2015)

2. M.T. Gruneisen et al., “Modeling satellite-Earth quantum channel downlinks with adaptive-optics coupling to single-mode fibers,” Opt Eng. 56(12) 126111 (2017)

3. M.T. Gruneisen et al., “Adaptive-optics-enabled quantum communication: a technique for daytime space-to-Earth Links,” PR Applied 16 014067 (2021)

4. R.N. Lanning et al., “Quantum communication over atmospheric channels: a framework for optimizing wavelength and filtering,” arXiv preprint 2104.10276 (2021)

5. R. Lafler et al., “An optimal polarization-entangled source: frequency-converted SPDC with degeneracy, indistinguishability, and ultra-high purity configurable over a large spectral range,” arXiv preprint 2107.08070 (2021)

key words
Quantum Communication, Quantum Entanglement, Entanglement Distribution, Entangled-Photon Sources, Quantum Teleportation, Quantum Networks, Quantum Key Distribution, Parametric Down Conversion


Citizenship:  Open to U.S. citizens
Level:  Open to Postdoctoral and Senior applicants


Base Stipend Travel Allotment Supplementation
$95,000.00 $5,000.00

Experience Supplement:
Postdoctoral and Senior Associates will receive an appropriately higher stipend based on the number of years of experience past their PhD.

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